What is Smarktek

At Smarktek we understand the challenges that startups and general businesses alike face in today's fast-paced world. Our dedicated team, equipped with broad industry experience, is here to support your vision and drive strategic development with our Marketing Solutions.

With transparency as our mantra, we are committed to serving you reliably throughout the journey, offering expertise, consistency, and valuable insights.

At Smarktek, our mission is to lead your business to long-term growth and success by providing expert solutions in digital marketing, web services, and software development. Together, let's shape the future and achieve remarkable milestones.

Why Choose Us as Partners


Industries worked with. From Law Firms, Manufacturing to Real Estate.


Projects finished, including web design, SEO, Content Marketing and Email Marketing projects.


Countries we’ve had projects in. With a clear International Projection.

What Smarktek Does to your Business

Smarktek is a leading marketing agency comprised of Marketing Experts, Full-stack Developers and Data Scientist who specialize in providing Digital Marketing Solutions. Our expertise lies in SEO, website design, content marketing, and email marketing.

At Smarktek, we take essential steps to analyze your product strategy thoroughly. By identifying strengths and weaknesses, we implement innovative solutions to help you deliver exceptional results. Whether it's optimizing your website or designing and developing a new website, we strive to leave a lasting impact on your end-users.

Our mission is to leverage our technical expertise and marketing knowledge to implement effective strategies to drive more traffic and revenue to your business. We are driven by the passion to develop websites that your users and clients will love. Partner with Smarktek, and together, we will elevate your digital presence and achieve remarkable success.


About Daniel Reparat Bort

Smarktek was founded by Daniel while working in SEO with Top Law Firms in the US.

After two failed online businesses, Daniel started his career in the Digital Marketing Industry. He created Smarktek to help small and medium businesses with their digitalization processes.


About Joel Kassim Moratalla

Joel joined Smarktek while working in an AI project as a software developer.

With an engineering background, and after 3 years of self-taught programming, Joel started his career in Web Development. He joined Smarktek to share his enthusiasm about tech and help developers and businesses with their projects.


About Laiqian Ji

Laiqian joined Smarktek while studying his Data Science Degree.

With a strong background in Data Science and a determined proactivity, Laiqian entered digital marketing with the goal of helping companies achieve their goals through data-driven decisions while learning more and more from each project.


Contact us.

If your business needs help with the digital world, Smarktek is here to help you. Contact us and get a free consultation.